45+ Amusing Selfie Fails: When Things Don’t Go As Expected

Who doesn’t like to take selfies? In the old days, there was always one person left out of photos because they were the ones holding a camera. However, these days’ people prefer to take selfies rather than pictures of others. Selfies are all the rage these days. Everyone is taking them and posting them online for the world to see. But sometimes, things don’t go according to plan. These 50 hilarious selfies will show you just what we mean! From people who accidentally caught their reflections in the mirror to those who posed with a funny face and got it wrong, these selfie fails are sure to make you laugh!

The Mirror Never Hides Anything


Mirror selfies have been and will always be the most remarkable picture someone can have. Many people don’t even look at their background and click their mirror selfies, which can sometimes become a disaster. This picture is the prime example of why you should look at your background before clicking your mirror picture. The girl seemed to care about her beauty instead of focusing on her surroundings. Although many will look at her face, not everyone will be able to lose sight of her pants still down. This mirror selfie was a disaster and not a superb picture which can be posted online.

Nothing Better Than This

I May See A Better Selfie Of A Man, A Baby And A Dog This Month But I Doubt It

All parents desire to capture sweet selfies of their baby and pet. However, if they initially lack a strong bond, snapping a charming picture together might be impossible. Interestingly, this father stumbled upon a clever solution unintentionally. While attempting to take a selfie with his son, he noticed the family dog in the picture’s background. The resulting image is not only endearing but also quite misleading. The dog appears gloomy, seemingly envious of the attention the baby is receiving. Little does he know that he is an equally cherished member of the family.

How Did He Even Get The Time To?


In moments of extreme distress, many turn to faith, asking God to alleviate their plight. But this man exists in a league of his own. His plane has made a disastrous landing on water, yet there he is with a life jacket, snapping a selfie, uncannily serene. We could all benefit from such cool-headedness in our lives. It’s impressive that he even managed to locate his phone under such circumstances, let alone think about capturing that moment. One would assume that if a person had a phone in this predicament, they would instantly be dialling for help or trying to establish contact in any possible way. Yet this individual, swimming against the tide of normality, has achievements worthy of recognition. Truly, he sets an example others will admire.

The Photo-bombing Friend


Many people enjoy playfully interfering with their friends’ romantic selfies, a practice affectionately known as photo bombing. It’s a common activity among friends that, whilst charming at times, can prove annoying for the unsuspecting couple. It can also be rather unsettling when you suddenly spot the photo bomber’s eyes. The couple in question seemed unaware of their friend’s covert presence in the background. They thought they had captured a perfect pair picture, unaware of the surprise that awaited them in the review. Let’s hope they spotted the intrusion soon enough and had the chance to retake the shot sans the sneaky friend in the glass.

Found Guilty

Reflection Fail

Everyone has their own method of enjoyment, but it’s a subject that most people avoid discussing openly, even with their friends. Authentic discussions on this usually only surface when people have had a few drinks. Despite this, one woman decided to share her means of self-satisfaction. She takes pride in her purchases and believes more people should emulate her open approach. Some might view her actions as contrived, while others may perceive it as a humorous debacle. Irrespective of other’s opinions, this woman does not concern herself with their judgment of her behavior.

Knock, Knock!


It’s essential to ensure that everything in your home is correctly positioned before your day concludes, your dog in particular. Also, the ideal opportunity to snap a selfie is right before you’re about to remove your make-up and get into bed. It appears that she left her pet outside while she was engrossed in taking a selfie. While the selfie with her pet is charming, it would have been more ideal if the dog was indoors. If it was chilly outside, the dog might have had a hard time staying outside all night.

Not the Right Time!

When You See It

The jubilation in the locker room is a paramount part for a victorious team, regardless of the sport they are involved in. Every player yearns to be included in this euphoric moment as it is a significant occasion for team bonding. On one occasion, though, the team decided to capture a selfie during their celebration, but the timing wasn’t perfect. One player was still in the shower yet didn’t want to miss the action. Despite his situation, he stood there with immense pride. This win was evidently significant to him too. This is an event he will undoubtedly remember.

Shut It Off!


Although pets cannot communicate verbally, spending ample time with them helps you better comprehend their gestures. This allows you to grasp what they are attempting to convey, and once this happens, a behavioural shift is observable, a scenario that perfectly played out here. Among pets, particularly cats, the thirst for attention is highly noticeable. In this case, the cat had grown weary of her owner’s incessant mobile phone use. Her reactions in such instances are quite revealing of her thoughts.

Not Very Good At Photoshop…


This guy on the side of the car thought no one would know that the car didn’t belong to him. But he chose the wrong way to establish that he’s the owner of this sparkling red car. He made enough effort to get cardboard of himself to show people that this car belonged to him. No one could understand what was going through his mind when he decided to make cardboard of himself to show that he was the owner of this car. He could have asked someone to take his picture with the car, but he opted for the cardboard version.

That Is Literally a Flex


This selfie is truly impressive. The focus here isn’t the girl’s bright smile but her exceptional flexibility. It’s refreshing to see such a selfie where individuals display their abilities rather than simple moments of folly. Moreover, notice her skill with her foot—it’s an innovative way to brush her teeth. This remarkable versatility suggests she might be a gymnast. However, it would be a letdown to find out otherwise. Her talents warrant exposure to a wider audience, rather than remaining confined to a bathroom setting.

Disappointed Mother


A myriad of activities may be deemed unacceptable by a parent when it comes to their children. Parents pour immense effort into nurturing their children appropriately and instilling discipline in them. However, there’s one specific activity that none would tolerate their children indulging in their room. A profound sense of disappointment may be evident on the mother’s face, likely questioning if this is the child she brought up. We can only speculate her reaction after discovering her daughter in this state. In this household, it wouldn’t be surprising if she got hold of her slipper and pursued her daughter down the hall.



Sometimes animals become so unpredictable, and we don’t even know what they might do when they are kept behind bars in the zoo. Seeing people might be their newest experience, and they might become more unpredictable. That is why there is a reason why many zoos have signs in which it’s asked not to disrupt animals and let them be however they want. This shows the prime example of why animals shouldn’t be irritated, and primarily not for a selfie. This camel decided to go for the lady’s head when she tried clicking a selfie with the humped animal.

The Tall People Selfie


Oscars are memorable events which stay in people’s minds. The pictures which come with the Oscars are also impressive. The Oscar selfie of 2014 was the most retweeted picture of 2014; it had 3,431,000 amount of retweets. This selfie had many memorable faces. Many famous people were seen in the Oscar selfie, tall people to be exact. It ought to be a hit with many famous faces in the selfie. This famous selfie was followed by a hilarious post from the back. In the picture, Liza Minnelli is standing on her toes to be in the selfie. Still, she is failing miserably because of the taller people in front of her.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.


Faking things on social media is normal now; people try to fake things more to seem cooler and less lonely. But sometimes, the portrayal might seem fake because of being oblivious of your surroundings, just like this girl in the photo. This girl thought no one would know that she was the one who was clicking her sleeping form. She wanted people to see how beautiful she looked while sleeping and how she might be in competition with the sleeping beauty. But she didn’t know how a mere mirror could tell who was lying and faking.

When You Can’t Find the Right Angle


Small mirrors fail to capture a complete view of the attire, potentially obstructing when you aim to get a full snapshot of your ensemble. It’s natural to desire the perfect photo whenever you’re all dressed up. An amusing example of this is when a girl tried to overcome this short mirror limitation by standing on a toilet to fit into the frame. Though it’s understandable to explore different ways to fully document your outfit, these methods can occasionally result in rather comical outcomes.

A Deceiving One

Aww My Boyfriend Is So Sweet! Sneaking In Shower Shots Of Me

This young lady believed she was clever, only to be proven incorrect by a simple mirror. She attempted to create an illusion that her boyfriend was also in the shower, trying to prevent her from taking a selfie, but the mirror revealed her deception. It’s curious why some girls portray themselves as being in a relationship when they’re not – only they know what gratification they derive from this. Unfortunately for this girl, her ruse was exposed the moment she took the selfie. She must have felt quite embarrassed if she went ahead and published it.

Never Miss an Opportunity

Selfie Background Fail

Many individuals seem to jump at the chance to take a selfie whenever possible. The motivation behind this constant desire to snap a selfie remains a mystery. It would be interesting if scientists were to explore this phenomenon, as it could shed some light on the issue once and for all. This particular woman, who was undeniably attractive and adorned in impeccable makeup, decided to capture a selfie while she was preoccupied. However, her chosen location for this activity, the restroom, perhaps should have been kept out of sight, especially in her selfie.

It Must Be Cold…


She must be in a chilly location or just flaunting. It’s evident that selecting a jacket was tricky for her. However, with the window down, it’s established that the weather isn’t cold. Only she can explain her motive behind this. It seems like she was keen on displaying her Guess denim jacket, but with an extensive wardrobe, making a choice wasn’t easy. This isn’t a familiar trend, but its recurrence might make it a phenomenon soon. However, not everyone might pull it off well.

‘Daaaad! Stooop iiit!’


Privacy and personal space can never be an option if you live with your parents. Locking your doors can never happen, even when you are trying to take a picture to post on your social media. The same thing happened with this girl, whose selfie was photo bombed by her very shirtless father. You can bear your parents being embarrassing in real life, but it can get a little out of hand on social media. The girl probably thought she would click a harmless picture in which she would be posing, but it didn’t go as she wanted.

No Need to Zoom In!

Mirror Selfie. Look Closely

The girl believed her selfie was perfect, but she soon realized the problem once she examined the photo more closely. Everything appeared according to her liking – the perfect angle, right positioning, and the ideal lighting. However, the reflection of her nostril and a blemish on the wee mirror gave the impression of a runny nose. The picture might have been perfect if she had taken the time to crop it prior to sharing it on her social media platforms. Unfortunately, some people had already gotten quite the view of her nostrils.

You Are Not Alone!


If we knew this girl we would definitely tell her to not get too immersed in getting a selfie. Have a look around yourself. Taking a selfie picture is a fashionable and fun-filled activity nowadays. People do not hesitate to take selfies anywhere. Some shots come very hilariously as the guy’s only focus on themselves. This pretty young lady indulges in her beauty so much that she almost forgets about her surroundings. She didn’t notice anything unusual in the background and eagerly took the selfie. Later, she found some intruder peeping at her with a single eye behind the curtain.



What’s better than enjoying an ice cream on a scorching summer day? Nothing surpasses the delight of indulging on such a day. This girl here was attempting to incite envy in others, oblivious to what was transpiring behind her back. It’s uncertain whether she managed to make others envious, but the adorable dog behind her was definitely feeling so. It was all set to snatch the soft serve direct from her hand, yet its excellent training held it back, and it simply stared at it. An epitome of self-restraint is seen here.

Eyes Never Lie and Glasses Reflect the Truth


It’s common knowledge that few things are less enjoyable than being stuck in traffic on a sweltering day. More to the point, with selfies now forming a key aspect of our everyday lives, we seldom need an excuse to snap one. However, this woman’s attempted deception didn’t quite pan out. Her caption spoke of being trapped in a traffic jam, yet the reflection in her glasses showed an entirely deserted road. It seemed she was simply seeking attention and a reason to pout for a picture. Surely, a truthful caption would have served her better. How did she overlook such a glaring mistake?

Attention Seekers


As soon as the woman revealed her camera, one of her feline companions recognized the occasion and seized the opportunity to take center stage. However, upon observing this, the second cat decided she desired a more prominent position in the photograph. You can see the spot she chose to position herself. The white cat, sitting atop, certainly strikes a perfect pose. Meanwhile, it’s clear the black cat harbors some jealousy towards its counterpart for hogging all the spotlight. The ongoing rivalry for attention amongst the cats has been a longstanding battle.

Pay Attention Please!


A classroom demands your utmost attention. Losing focus can result in a significant loss of grades, which is not a desirable outcome. Here we have a woman attempting to take the perfect selfie. If the instructor saw this, they would be rather disheartened as others are immersed in their studies while she chooses to capture a picture of herself. However, one possibility that might not have been considered extensively is that she could already be prepared for what’s being taught in class.

That’s Unique


We’ve all witnessed individuals striking a pose, pouting or smiling for a selfie. Some hold the camera so close to their faces that it’s almost startling when the photo is suddenly opened. But this gentleman appears to be well-versed in this photographic art. He’s mastered not just the pose, but the optimal lighting, placement, and angle. He’s got everything under control. The gap between his face and the camera creates the illusion that the photo was taken by someone else. This man’s intelligence in this area is impressive! We’re eager to see the resultant selfie.

A Cute One!


It’s common knowledge that cat owners have an exceptional level of affection for their pets, enduring endless scratches with unwavering love. There’s simply no changing their minds – their attachment is just that strong. The bond between them is evident in this selfie, highlighted further by their shared physical characteristics. The similar eye color they both possess is an extraordinary coincidence not often seen, creating a charming spectacle we don’t get to witness on a daily basis.



Regardless of your comfort level at crowded events or social gatherings, there are moments that can abruptly thrust you into awkwardness. Case in point is the often familiar situation of taking a selfie in an attempt to feel and look your best. However, anyone can find themselves in the same predicament as the fellow in this scenario. The peculiar part is that the selfie taken is a reverse mirror one, catching both the individual taking the snapshot and another person entering the bathroom off-guard. The tense eye contact shared between them is likely to be unforgettable, a moment etched into their memories for the rest of their lives.

Wait A Minute!


At first glance, the only noticeable aspect of this selfie might be a woman sipping her morning coffee while heading to work. But upon closer inspection, you’ll realize some glaring concerns. This lady isn’t just driving, she’s multitasking with a cup of coffee in one hand and a camera to snap the selfie in the other. So, one has to wonder, how is she fully controlling the vehicle? Not only is this a significant safety risk, but it’s also a serious issue. Furthermore, she’s not even wearing a seat belt, which should be an absolute necessity.

Selfie Is a Priority


There are individuals who excel at juggling multiple tasks at once without mishandling anything, while others may struggle and create chaos. In this instance, not only does she capably multitask, but taking a selfie also appears to be of utmost importance. The cookies she’s holding look yummy, but her method of capturing them is rather amusing. It’s interesting to note that she’s performing all these actions in a bathroom, hence the spoon is held in her mouth since she can’t put it down. However, the reasoning behind her decision to do all this in a restroom remains a mystery.

The Dark Lord Rises


Two young ladies were relishing their day outdoors in a park, soaking in the crisp air. This rejuvenating experience led them to capture a selfie to mark the occasion. Unbeknownst to them, they were photobombed by the Dark Lord. He seemed eerily similar to the one from Harry Potter, even appearing to partake in the park’s fun-filled offerings. While this didn’t disrupt their park experience, revisiting this selfie might give them quite an unsettling surprise. Here’s hoping they spot it and maintain their cheerfulness.

A Memorable Prom!


Prom night is indisputably a memorable event that excites everyone. However, imagine dealing with a tornado during your prom photo shoot. The reaction? Take a selfie! Normally, fear should not have a place on such a night, but a tornado might be an exception, right? Well, this girl seemed undaunted. She chose to capture an extraordinary selfie with the approaching tornado rather than prioritize her safety. Her fearless act certainly makes one ponder about where our priorities should lie in times of danger.

Must Be Halloween!


It appears to be Halloween, yet the daughter isn’t in any costume. There is no understanding why her father would choose to dress up if it wasn’t for the holiday. He presents a simultaneously frightful and unattractive sight. The artistry of the makeup could have been vastly improved upon. The young girl in the background seems puzzled, unsure whether to laugh or cry at her father’s appearance. The father’s attempt to resemble Kesha fell grossly short of the mark. But now that the deed is done, he has no choice but to maintain the look for the rest of the day.

They Had Enough

Australian Police Have Had Enough Of Your Shit

Police officers are individuals who tirelessly strive to maintain the security of each member of society. Granted, there has been criticism leveled at them due to the actions of a few. However, this should not result in all officers receiving disrespect. They are very much deserving of our appreciation. It appears the police officers have grown weary of such needless provocations. It is indeed inappropriate when younger members of society attempt to vex these officers and push them to their limits. Ideally, such situations should cease to exist, yet there may always be individuals who fail to consider this perspective.

License and Registration Please!


You’re likely to experience being stopped by the police at least once, even if you’ve done nothing wrong, simply for safety checks. Who can resist the temptation of speeding when the road ahead is clear? However, before presenting your documents, snapping a selfie with the officer at your car window may not always be appreciated. Not all law enforcement officials are as relaxed about this, so it’s best to avoid doing this routinely as it could be seen as problematic.

Time for a New Camera

That Moment Your Camera Focuses On A Horse's Butt Instead Of Your Selfie

Occasionally, it’s hard to adjust the camera’s focus during the day, particularly if the sun is directly at your back. This can cast shadows and make it tough to capture a quality image. However, in this case, the sunlight was coming from the front. It appears that he may need to upgrade his camera or hire a better photographer. The camera managed to bring the horse into sharp focus instead of the man. While it’s impressive for the horse, it’s not too flattering for the man. This experience is likely to prompt him to invest in a new camera immediately.

That’s A Big Burn

Buddy Sent Us A Picture Of His Turf-Burn. When You See It

A turf burn is one of the most excruciating wounds one could sustain. It not only sears the skin but can also leave noticeable scars, especially if the burn is as sizable as this one. However, the man was so engrossed in displaying his injury that he overlooked something else. It’s remarkable how individuals can overlook such minor details. Now, instead of sympathizing with him, people are likely to find humor in the situation. This man gave them the opportunity to tease him. Hopefully, he has compassionate friends who didn’t make him feel worse about the situation.

I am Here, Mom!


Taking a picture with your little one is never an easy task. Little minds are always curious to explore new things. This mother is trying to capture a nice selfie with her cutie pie in the mirror, but the baby does not allow her to do so. The young one looks upset by his facial expressions. Maybe he does not like the idea of a picture. Perhaps it’s evident in the mirror that he is trying to hold the camera and take the picture himself. Finally, Mom takes a selfie with the baby’s front and back posture.

Tiger and Tattoos on my Back


She might have new tattoos engraved on her back, and she is styling her hair to show her naked back to capture these in a bright selfie. She may have gone to the studio, and simply unnoticed, her pet’s water bowl was left empty. Meanwhile, the Tiger (pet dog) felt thirsty and didn’t like the idea of bothering its lady owner. To help himself, he went to the toilet bowl for a drink. It was taken in the shot by a large mirror and grabbed the attention of the picture more than the girl herself.

Best Revenge Ever!


In this endearing selfie, it’s observable that the dog seems to be expressing feelings of resentment and envy comparable to a human’s. The two beautiful pals didn’t invite their furry friend to join their picture, but he refused to tolerate their disregard. As the girls strike poses and flash charming smiles for the camera, he intentionally positions himself in the shot with a sour face and effectively spoils their photo. It’s fair to say he exacted the most fitting revenge. The girls will likely think twice before excluding him from their photos next time.

Body Flex with Grandma


This boy must have tried hard sessions to practice body flex. Now it’s time to take the progress into the record and have a picture with flexing Abs. No one can take a selfie while stretching their limbs. That’s why he had asked his grandma to take the picture. Hey, wait. Grandma is spotted in the picture, too. She was so keen to get her grandson’s picture perfect. At the same time, she might have forgotten to hide from coming in the mirror and ended up a big failure.

Memorable Selfie


Taking a leisurely stroll with your significant other and pet brings a unique sense of joy, more so when it happens on a peaceful Sunday morning. It’s a chance to explore new places and unwind, giving yourself a break from the prevailing stress. Now picture this, you decide to take a spontaneous selfie and unexpectedly catch your partner’s antics in the background! It seems both the man and the dog are equally bewildered by her behavior. But at least he managed to immortalize the moment, sharing the tale of their Sunday jaunt with others.

Am I Doing It Right?


Perspective photos are the new cool when you are in front of a monument. Many mistakes occurred while clicking this picture, some were on the guy’s hand, but many were on the photographer’s. People usually take perspective photos at the Washington monument, but it takes direction more than skills to click a picture. This guy thought he was in the right direction, but he didn’t know that he had to move to the left. The photographer didn’t even tell his friend to move a little to the left and let him think he has held the building and made a masterpiece.

Is It a Twinfie?


Twining can be a little awkward for some people, but this man felt awe when he saw someone else wearing the same shirt as him. He couldn’t believe his luck and decided to take a twinfie with his shirt-twin. The man in the background might share the same shirt as the man in the front. But his facial expressions tell the other story. The man in front is cheerful while looking at his shirt-twin, while the man in back looks oblivious. The man in front had a psychic sally moment while donning the same shirt as someone else.

How to Push the Tower of PISA?


The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a historic landmark that has been the backdrop for countless distinctive photos. You often find individuals staging pictures where they appear to be propping up the leaning tower. In this snapshot, we observe this amusing scenario. An amusing image captured demonstrates spectators trying to pose innovatively with Pisa. Behind the scenes shot reveals the comedic aspect of people crafting their masterpieces. The act of taking these perspective photos appears quite humorous, reflecting how this location has evolved into a renowned tourist attraction.

The Spiderman Selfie


Sometimes people don’t have enough space to show off their whole outfit. That is why people find poses to show their entire outfit. This monkey pose shows how you can show your whole outfit with your shoes without worrying about less space. This guy didn’t have enough space to show his whole outfit. That’s why this guy decided to do something different and hopped on the door to show off his outfit. He couldn’t care less how funny he looked but, in the process, made a masterpiece.

Give the Man Some Privacy


As cell phones have become equipped with cameras, individuals have developed a fixation on taking photos and selfies, often disregarding their surroundings and those around them. This behavior is particularly prevalent among the youth, who are constantly trying to capture their best images, oblivious to those in their proximity. Some people don’t hesitate to take photos in restrooms, as they are attracted to their bright lights and ample mirrors. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to remember the importance of choosing the right time and place to take pictures. It’s quite inappropriate to snap photos in public restrooms, especially while people nearby are glancing at you in bewilderment.

Bathroom Photo bombers


Individuals who have a passion for photography are always eager to snap a photo, often overlooking their surroundings before pressing the shutter button. The same happened with this girl; she was so engrossed in her photography that she failed to observe the disruption between mother and son happening in the background. That unintentional incident made the photograph quite entertaining. Becoming overly immersed in the process of capturing images can sometimes result in the person missing out on events occurring nearby. As a result, a picture that was intended to be standard could end up being hilarious, albeit unintentionally. Such incidents can lead to surprising emotional reactions upon viewing the photographs afterwards.

The Royal Selfie


Photography fanatics are often willing to bend the rules for the perfect shot, as evidenced here. A child managed to nab a selfie with the English queen, an act not normally permitted by the public. It seems he seized the opportunity while she was in transit, managing to include her in his selfie. Despite being against protocol to photograph the royal family in such a manner, this bold move merits recognition. Although unlawful, this snapshot will serve as a lasting memento, likely prompting laughter upon reflection.

Selfie with a Laptop


The idea of utilizing what one has to the fullest is always commendable, and this individual exemplifies this very well. He appears to have misplaced his phone and, in an effort to improvise, he tried to take a selfie using his computer screen before a mirror. Instead of simply using the front camera for his selfie, he creatively used the mirror as a makeshift front camera. This ingenious method doubled his labor but added an intriguing twist to the process.
