Reflecting on the Harmful Legacy of Uranium Mining Before New US Sanctions


Uranium, which is really important for making both nuclear energy and weapons, is getting a lot of attention right now. Companies like Energy Fuels, Inc. want the government to ease up on rules that protect areas where uranium is found, hoping it’ll let them mine more of it. Recently, the Defense Department’s Nuclear Posture Review said it wants to make more weapons, which might mean more local uranium mining. The Interior Department also wants the U.S. to produce more uranium domestically instead of relying on imports.

Uranium mining has a big impact on local communities, especially in the Western U.S. After researching uranium mining for over a decade, I’ve seen how communities are still dealing with the damage caused by past uranium booms. Many places that helped make the U.S. a major power now face issues like environmental pollution, abandoned mines, and health problems from uranium exposure. We really need to learn from past mistakes before any new mining begins.

Currently, most uranium used in U.S. nuclear reactors comes from other countries. But while the U.S. imported uranium, past mining during the Cold War left behind many environmental and health problems, including toxic spills, abandoned mines, and cancer clusters. Some people link these health problems to uranium exposure, but federal agencies often deny this connection.

From World War II to the Cold War, uranium mining in the U.S. took off between the 1940s and the 1960s, even though there were known health risks. Back then, there weren’t many regulations in place. Today, we have laws to protect workers and the environment, but enforcement isn’t consistent. In the 1970s, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission set up the Agreement States program, letting some states handle these regulations. However, many states struggle with limited budgets and staff shortages, which makes enforcement weak. In some places like Colorado, state budgets are so tight they have to rely on the energy companies themselves for regulation. Utah’s White Mesa Mill, the only active uranium mill left in the U.S., has had issues with permits, water contamination, and environmental health that impact nearby tribal lands.

The legacy of uranium mining still affects both people and nature, especially in poorer and more remote communities. For example, there are about 4,000 abandoned uranium mines in Western states, with around 500 on Navajo Nation land. Diné (Navajo) communities have faced many problems because of uranium exposure, with cancer clusters and water contamination being common. A 2015 study found that around 85% of Diné homes still have uranium contamination, and people living near mining areas have higher uranium levels in their bodies than 95% of the U.S. population. When the Bears Ears National Monument was reduced in size, it brought back worries about uranium contamination on public and tribal lands.

The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, passed in 1990, was supposed to help people affected by uranium mining, but many residents near mining sites feel left out. Monticello, Utah, for example, had a federal uranium mill from 1942 to 1960, which left behind radioactive waste. Parts of the town were even built with radioactive materials, leading to long-term health issues. It took until the 1990s for two Superfund sites to be established to clean up the contamination. People in Monticello have been seeking federal help since 1993 but have mostly been ignored.

Today, there’s also tension around water rights for uranium mining, especially near the Grand Canyon. Tribes like the Havasupai worry they might lose access to clean water because of mining, which would be devastating.

Uranium production, like other industries tied to commodities, has seen several “boom” and “bust” cycles that have left communities struggling. There was a big boom after World War II, but a surplus of uranium by the 1960s led to a market crash. Another boom happened in the late 1960s when private companies started investing in nuclear power, but it was cut short by the accidents at Three Mile Island (1979) and Chernobyl (1986). Prices went up again from 2007 to 2010, only to drop after the Fukushima disaster in 2011 as countries moved away from nuclear energy.

Companies like Energy Fuels promote new uranium production as a way to boost the economy, and this message often resonates with communities that have seen hard times. But some residents are worried that better technology in mining could mean hiring non-local, highly skilled workers, which could limit local job opportunities—a concern already seen in the coal industry. The main challenges of economic instability and the cycle of uranium production remain a big issue.

Supporters of uranium mining argue that new “eco-friendly” mills and current regulations make mining safer for public health and the environment. However, there’s not much evidence supporting this claim, especially given the issues with the White Mesa Mill.
