The offspring of these stars are not at all similar to their parents – they are simply the worst!

Parents hold their children as their most cherished joy and treasure. Raising well-rounded children is a tough task, and it’s even more challenging for celebrities. Despite having a wealth of resources to provide for their children, they must also grapple with the pressures of fame and visibility. This is often where the offspring of celebrities can veer off course, capitalizing on their parents’ fame and engaging in reckless behavior for attention. The list of such children from the celebrity globe is enormous, just like the list we’re about to delve into. Let’s have a look:

Porn star actress

The most dreadful fear a parent could have is to discover that their offspring is participating in the adult film industry. This horrific reality hit Laurence Fishburne like a ton of bricks when his daughter Montana chose to venture into the world of adult cinema under the pseudonym Chippy D. Although she pursued an acting career in the same vein as her father, the direction she took was strikingly different. This move was promptly seen as a scandal that tainted the family’s reputation. To further complicate matters, she found herself in legal trouble when she was arrested for DUI in 2017, and since then, she has been on probation.

Domestic Abuser

Domestic abuse is perceived to be one of the most degrading and horrific aspects within family dynamics. Amid global efforts to mitigate family violence, renowned actor Nicolas Cage has unfortunately been placed in the limelight, through no fault of his own. His son, Weston Cage, after beginning a career in rock music misstepped into the role of a family offender. This not only impacted his own career but also overshadowed the celebrity status of his father, Nicolas. Once an esteemed actor, Nicolas Cage is now linked to his son’s scandals.

The puncher

Being born into a renowned, honorable, and celebrated family such as the Hilfigers should follow positive connotations. However, the lifestyle of designer Tommy Hilfiger’s son seems to deviate from this narrative. Unlike his father, he seems to be stirring up trouble for the family. One night out in Miami captured him throwing fists and objects at a security guard. After this event, Richard Hilfiger was rapidly labeled as a troublemaker. Social media was swift and relentless, dubbing him with the moniker “The Puncher”.

Reckless driver

You might not find this particularly daunting, but a person’s character can significantly influence their driving skills and behavior in traffic. The stereotype that women aren’t capable drivers doesn’t hold true for all genders. Hulk Hogan’s son is a prime example of a man who fits into this category due to his reckless driving. Driven by a desire for attention, he ended up in a severe car accident. While the car didn’t suffer much damage, his passenger wasn’t as fortunate. Hulk Hogan’s son, Nick, who was driving at the time, was in the car with a friend. After the accident, his friend sustained significant brain damage.

The drug addict

A child may tarnish their parent’s professional reputation by becoming associated with drug use. This was the situation faced by Bruce Willis with his daughter. His enjoyment of time with his daughter has been tainted by difficulties. Craving attention, his daughter Tallulah has gained a negative media image, being labeled nothing short of a drug addict. The root of these issues began with excessive partying, late nights and alcohol consumption, ultimately leading her to seek assistance in a rehab facility.

An addict son

The manner in which individuals handle the death of a parent varies—some struggle more intensely, while others manage to cope a bit better. However, life inevitably continues. The struggle becomes particularly challenging when you are a celebrity’s child, as the public eye constantly monitors you, focusing on your every move. When Farrah Fawcett passed away, her son Redmond became somewhat lost. His coping mechanism for his mother’s demise was far from healthy and he turned to drugs for solace. His substance of choice was heroin and he began leading a life of addiction, an unfortunate path that ultimately led to his arrest for possession.

Problematic kid

The roster of celebrity children causing their families concern doesn’t cease with Nick Nolte’s offspring. What could cast a darker shadow than drug use, right? Unfortunately, Nick’s son Brawley succumbed to the pressure of being a star’s child, making negative decisions instead of positive ones. Naturally, the most damaging of these was his involvement with drugs. Law enforcement pulled him over under suspicion of alcohol-impaired driving, a suspicion that was ultimately substantiated, leading to a verified conviction. Definitely a low point for the Nolte family!

The ultimate nightmare

Without a doubt, the worst embodiment of a child’s fears could arguably be Charlie Sheen. This ill-reputed son of Martin Sheen has a lengthy record of scandalous behavior that led to his declining popularity in Hollywood. His rampant misconduct, instances of domestic violence, rocky divorces, frequent drug issues, and numerous scandals have pushed him to become the most infamous offspring of celebrities. Many producers have decided to discontinue their work with him due to his reputation, with some even harboring feelings of animosity towards him. Adding to his evident problems, he’s also known for violent tendencies, inappropriate language, and a history peppered with numerous sexual allegations, elements that people generally prefer to steer clear from.

Forever an addict

There is no single person that does not love Tom Hanks. With his marvelous roles in numerous movies, he has become one of the most adored actors in the world. But, the same cannot be said for his son too. Namely, there is nothing that destructs a parent more than learning that his child is using drugs. Chet Hanks has done exactly that to his father’s – he started using drugs, and has been dealing with it since then. This has reflected personally on his father’s career that still goes on.

Not a cool Iron-man son

Whether Iron Man is the top marvel superhero is subjective, but the undeniable charm of Robert Downey Jr., with his wit, unique style and acting prowess, has hugely contributed to the character’s popularity. He’s considered one of the most admired actors in cinema history. However, his reputation was somewhat tainted due to his son’s struggle with substance abuse. It’s difficult to understand why celebrity offspring often fall into drug use. His son even had a stint in jail at one point. Thankfully, things seem to be better now.

Party animal

Indulging too much in partying seldom leads to something beneficial, particularly if you’re the offspring of a renowned celebrity singer. Jon Bon Jovi is no stranger to this scenario, having faced it personally with his own daughter. Despite being one of the most iconic singers in the 1980s, his daughter sadly didn’t keep the momentum going. Stephanie Rose turned out to be a letdown for the family, particularly her father, due to her excessive party lifestyle. In 2012, her reckless behavior led her to an overdose on various opioids, resulting in a hospital stay. This reiterates how drugs can wreak havoc on one’s life and tarnish their reputation.

The prisoner

In addition to illicit substances and explicit content, incarceration is another factor that can destroy one’s image, professional life, and family bonds. Michael Douglas’s son hasn’t made things easy for his father, especially with his father’s ongoing battle with cancer. Despite his efforts, he has unfortunately found himself serving a five-year sentence in prison. This stemmed from a verdict confirming his plan to distribute and possess illegal narcotics. Regardless of his reasons, such actions are indefensible. There are recent reports suggesting he is attempting to make restitution while in jail, and only time will tell what the results of these efforts will be.

Another reckless driver

A child’s misbehavior isn’t exclusively an issue for prominent parents in the television and show business. Renowned athletes can also face troubles with such offspring. Despite their proven success and good reputation in sports, one wrong move by their child could tarnish it all. An instance would be DUI, which is seen as a grave offense. This was something Joe Montana, the famed sportsman, had to deal with. His son, Nate, was caught engaging in this illegal practice and brought before the court. Here, he admitted to reckless driving, thereby avoiding a penalty.

A possible killer

The idea of your child scheming to commit a murder could possibly be a parent’s worst nightmare. It’s striking how a child can turn out so differently from a prominent parent. This was exactly what happened with Malcom X and his daughter. His work as an activist during the Civil Rights Movement came under scrutiny when news of his daughter’s murderous intentions broke out. Her violent tendencies provoked her to plan the death of his nemesis, Louis Farrakhan. Suddenly, all his life’s work and struggle seemed to have been in vain.

Wild son

While this incident may not be as infamous or severe as others on the record, it certainly doesn’t paint a picture of innocence and is worth discussing. It doesn’t involve plotting a crime, driving under the influence, or instigating fights. Instead, it showcases extravagant spending. What piques curiosity about this scenario is that the money in question wasn’t his own. This refers to Marcus Jordan, son of Michael Jordan, who splurged over $35,000 in a single evening at a club. While it’s common to squander such large sums in casinos in Las Vegas, doing so on drinks at a club is simply astonishing.

Racer under influence

The use of drugs knows no boundaries and often leads to unpredictable and socially unacceptable behaviors such as reckless driving. This was evident in the case of Al Gore’s son, Al Gore III, who was apprehended by the police for significantly exceeding the speed limit at a shocking 100 mph. It further compounded his situation when the police discovered he had drugs in possession, resulting in his arrest. Following this unfortunate incident, he was hit with a series of penalties that he was mandated to pay.

Unstable political son

It’s widely understood that a career in politics requires resilience and a tough demeanor due to the rigorous nature of the field. This is something that was put to the test for Sarah Palin, who is a well-known figure to many. Palin discovered that her tenacity wavered when it came to her family’s struggles. Her son, Track, reportedly wasn’t able to cope with the tension and became implicated in severe domestic abuse cases. To exacerbate the situation for his family and especially his mother, he even made an attempt to take his own life. The reasoning given for his suicidal thoughts was his struggle with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder which he developed during his military service. Currently, while Track is receiving necessary care, Palin is focusing on repairing her public image.

Crude behavior

Positive habits and learning initiate at an early stage in every child’s life. Parents play a pivotal role in teaching their children integral life skills and appropriate conduct. Though Ozzy Osbourne, the renowned rock star, has a clean record when it comes to his behavior, his daughter Kelly can be quite outspoken. Despite her commendable fashion sense, her language tends to be coarse and unrefined. This is a major turn-off for many people, and she doesn’t seem to be planning on altering this aspect of her persona anytime soon.

Fake death

A child can become quite unsavory in contrast to their popular celebrity parent by resorting to activities such as pretending to be dead. While most average kids wouldn’t dream of such a thing, Will Smith’s son Jaden deemed it entertaining to fake his demise and stun both his father and the entire globe. This was a social maneuver orchestrated by Jaden himself, for no readily apparent motive. Law enforcement quickly stepped in when they discovered he was perfectly alive and healthy. This stunt only succeeded in shocking his family and damaging his career and reputation.

The Trump legacy

It’s well known that Donald Trump has a distinctive way with words which many consider inappropriate for a president. Let’s put that aside for a moment, focusing instead on his son, Donald Trump Jr. Even before Trump’s presidency, Trump Jr.’s reputation wasn’t exactly sterling. He was notorious for his excessive drinking during his college years. In fact, he was often so inebriated that he urinated on himself, earning the unflattering nickname of “Diaper Don”. Not the best of images, to say the least.

Cindy Crawford and Kaia Berber – Age 16

There’s no denying the striking similarity between the mother and daughter in this instance. Cindy Crawford, one of the most renowned names in modeling history, is unquestionably a well-known figure in the entertainment industry. Her daughter, Kaia Gerber, who strongly mirrors her mother at just 16, is also launching her modeling career. Notably, the young teenager has been showcased in Vogue for a photoshoot and has graced numerous fashion brand runways including Prada, Alexander Wang, and Moschino. With her natural allure and grace, qualities she undeniably inherited from her mother, she’s destined to become a significant figure in the modeling scene.

Cindy Crawford And Kaia Gerber

Cindy Crawford

Cindy Crawford, a renowned supermodel from the 80s and 90s, holds a significant position in the American fashion industry. She made her mark by associating with various prestigious designer brands. However, there’s more to her than just her beauty. Cindy, surprisingly, was the top student of her class when she graduated from DeKalb High School in 1984. Even more impressive, she secured a scholarship to pursue chemical engineering at Northwestern University. Sadly, however, she had to leave the university after just one semester to concentrate on her blossomming modeling career.

Cindy Crawford In 1995

Maria Shriver and Katherine Schwarzenegger – Age 23

While Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger may have parted ways after 25 years of matrimony, they nonetheless continue to share amicable relations with their children, many of whom have followed in their footsteps and entered showbiz. Yet, there’s one exception. Katherine, bearing a striking resemblance to Maria at age 23, has instead opted for a quieter life as an author, shying away from the limelight. This decision seems rather fitting, given her past experiences of frequently being captured by the lens of the paparazzi during her formative years.

Maria Shiver And Katherine Schwarzenegger

Maria Shriver

Undeniably, Maria Shriver’s ex-husband holds a larger celebrity status than hers. However, this is predominantly due to Maria’s minimal involvement in acting and her focus on developing her career as a journalist and author, utilizing her star power to increase Alzheimer’s awareness. Currently, she serves as a special anchor for NBC News. The influence of her reputed uncles, John and Ted Kennedy, also played a significant role in Arnold’s successful gubernatorial campaign in California.

Maria Shriver

Clint Eastwood and Scott Eastwood – Age 30

There’s no doubt about Clint Eastwood’s prominence in the stardom scene. His face is easily recognized in war and western films, among others. Famous for his strikingly good looks, well-built physique, and excellent acting talents, he’s a popular icon. These days, his son, Scoot Eastwood, is beginning to carve out his own niche. Although he still has a long journey ahead to match his father’s triumphs in the entertainment industry, the physical similarities between the father and son duo are incredibly remarkable.

Scott Eastwood And Clint Eastwood

Clint’s Legacy

Clint Eastwood’s prominence in the American western film scene is well-deserved. He has been a leading figure in numerous hit films, particularly those in the action-filled genre. His diverse roles have ranged from an army sergeant and a fugitive cowboy to a seasoned police officer. Although he has stepped back from acting on the big screen, he remains active in the film industry. Eastwood has undertaken several directorial projects and occasionally dabbles in producing.

Clint Eastwood As Dirty Harry

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Joseph Baena – 20s

Arnold Schwarzenegger is best known for his portrayal of the character “Terminator”. Additionally, he is also recognized for his iconic, albeit a bit comical posture. Nobody else can quite emulate his pose as Arnold himself, that was until his son, Joseph Baena, stepped into the scene. Though Joseph may not have ventured into acting as his internationally recognized father, he’s definitely making his mark in the field of bodybuilding. It’s possible, he might be the prospective Terminator. As the saying goes, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, wouldn’t you agree?

Arnold Schwarzenegger And Joseph Baena

Arnold’s Legacy

Arnold Schwarzenegger, renowned for his unforgettable role as the Terminator, is a familiar figure to virtually everyone in the United States who was born prior to the turn of the millennium. In 2003, Schwarzenegger made a considerable leap, transitioning from acclaimed actor to significant politician, when he successfully campaigned for the governorship of California. Some observers suggested that a senate role might befit him, but for the time being, Schwarzenegger seems content as California’s Governor. Given the state’s massive population and abundant resources, this role is arguably only eclipsed by the presidency.

Arnold's Next Movie

Rough Childhood

While there’s no denying life has improved significantly now, Joseph’s upbringing was quite challenging, owing to his roots. Joseph is Arnold’s illegitimate son, born to Mildred Baena, the former family housekeeper. This situation inevitably sparked great conflict within the family, making Joseph’s younger years rather complicated. Nevertheless, Arnold put forth immense effort to provide for Joseph just as he did for his other children. Some might find this aspect of Arnold commendable, if we overlook his act of infidelity.

Joseph Baena

Christie Brinkley and Sailor Brinkley Cook – Age 19

If you grew up in the 70s and 80s, the name Christie Brinkley, one of the defining models from that period, would likely ring a bell. During that era, she was in her late teens and early 20s, an age her younger daughter, Sailor, is at present. It’s truly astonishing how much Sailor resembles Christie – the blonde hair, the captivating blue eyes, she is practically her mother’s twin. We suspect that Sailor might even surpass her mother’s success in her professional life.

Christie Brinkley And Sailor Brinkley Cook

Kris Jenner and Kendall Jenner – Age 21

The Kardashians have become inescapable in today’s world, particularly for the older sisters who continuously bask in the public eye. However, among all her offspring, it is beyond doubt that Kris Jenner, the family’s matriarch, shares the greatest resemblance with her youngest daughter, Kendall Jenner, when comparing their appearances at the same age. Interestingly, both have had successful careers in modeling – Kris in her early years, and Kendall in the present, modeling for a number of prestigious fashion houses.

Kris Jenner And Kendall Jenner

Charlie Sheen and Martin Sheen – Age 28

Initially, one might not notice the similarity, but it becomes evident when comparing them directly. They not only share a similar nose but also possess the same intense gaze. Their acting talent is also comparable. Charlie and Martin have collaborated on multiple projects, including the hit film, Wall Street. Over time, Charlie even succeeded in outshining his father, earning the title of the most highly-paid television actor for a period.

Charlie Sheen And Martin Sheen

Martin Sheen

Although Charlie had already surpassed the level of fame his dad had even at his peak, it can’t be denied that Martin Sheen was certainly popular back in the day. The first film that brought him to the limelight was The Subject was Roses in 1968. It was then followed by Badlands in 1973, and then Apocalypse Now in 1979, which ended up to be the biggest role in his whole career. Martin Sheen also starred in television and web shows like The West Wing and Grace and Frankie.

Martin Sheen in 2008

Charlie Sheen’s Legacy

Charlie Sheen was such an iconic actor that he often played cameos or minor roles in all kinds of movies. Sadly, near the end of his career, he was known to show a steep decline, both in acting and in lifestyle. By the end of his stint in Two and a Half Men, Charlie had gotten into heavy drinking and drug use, causing him to get fired. Fortunately, he seems to have been getting a lot better after getting fired. He actually celebrated his one year of sobriety just recently, which is definitely something to be admired. We hope he keeps it up!

Chalie Sheen Is One Year Sober

Charlie Sheen’s Steep Decline

The drastic downfall of Charlie Sheen was unexpected for all, including Sheen himself. He reached an extreme low point during this period as he lost his job due to alcohol and drug abuse, and shortly thereafter, found out he was HIV positive. It was undoubtedly a challenging period for Sheen, but he managed to turn his unfortunate circumstances into motivation for personal improvement. Additionally, he began promoting the importance of safe sex and regular STD screenings.

Charlie Sheen Had Hit Rock Bottom

Dakota Johnson and Melanie Griffith – Age 29

Melanie Griffith is mostly known for her appearance in various low-budget thriller movies back in the 1970s. In the 1980s, she started starring in more mainstream shows, such as Something Wild and Working Girl. She was even nominated for the Golden Globe Awards for her role in both films. She disappeared sometime in the 1990s but came back in 2014 to star in Automata. Meanwhile, her daughter, Dakota Johnson, starred as the lead character in the film adaptation of popular erotic novel 50 Shades of Grey.

Dakota Johnson And Melanie Griffith

Ben Stiller and Jerry Stiller – Age 39

Although they don’t look entirely the same, the resemblance between Ben Stiller and his father Jerry Stiller is still quite obvious, especially if you see them side by side. One of Jerry’s most famous roles is Mr. Frank Costanza on the sitcom Seinfeld. Meanwhile, Ben is known for many things, including the popular film series Night At The Museum where he stars alongside Owen Wilson, Robin Williams, and Ricky Gervais. That said, we can’t help but notice that Ben Stiller looks to be in better shape than his father at the same age.

Ben Stiller And Jerry Stiller

Ben The Comedian

Ben Stiller is known for mainly playing comedic roles in his movies. Of course, he’s had many different roles as well, but it seems like the silver screen has got a special place for Ben’s funny antics. It’s no surprise that some of his most famous roles are Greg “Gaylord” Focker in Meet the Fockers and Larry in Night at the Museum. We also can’t help but notice that he always has his constant buddy with him in almost every film: Owen Wilson.

Ben Stiller And Owen Wilson

Jerry Stiller’s Legacy

Jerry Stiller’s most iconic role is Frank Costanza in Seinfeld, the fairly bitter and eccentric father of George Costanza, played by Jason Alexander, one of the four main characters in the sitcom. Jerry Stiller may have died recently, but his legacy as a legendary comedian is certain to stay with America’s film industry forever.

Jerry Stiller As Frank Costanza

Jaden Smith and Will Smith – Age 18

It was clear from a young age that Jaden Smith was a chip off the old block, sharing a strong resemblance with his renowned father, Will Smith. As the adage goes, “Like father, like son,” it was only predictable that Jaden would venture into the worlds of acting and music early in life. However, it’s worth noting that Jaden has not yet been able to outshine his father, who remains a prominent figure in the entertainment industry. Nevertheless, considering Jaden is only 18, we eagerly anticipate what the future holds for him.

Jaden And Will Smith

Will Smith’s Transformation

Will Smith has always been a much-loved comedian, ever since we all saw him in The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Of course, Will had always been naturally charismatic and goofy, which is viewers loved seeing him do comedy. But this is also why people were a bit surprised when he started to make a move towards action movies. Some of his best and most iconic films were Men in Black, Independence Day, and I Am Legend.

Will Smith On Fresh Prince

Jaden Smith

Jaden Smith was raised in love and security, that much is sure. His parents loved him and his sister dearly and did all they could to support the two. In fact, Jaden’s first shot at stardom was in The Pursuit of Happyness, where he played as Will Smith’s young son. Although the movie had good points, many critics saw it as a vanity project done by a father for his child’s future career. Jaden did get a break later on with his lead role on The Karate Kid in 2010.

Jaden Smith And Will Smith

Oz Perkins And Anthony Perkins – Age 27

Oz Perkins is probably most well-known for his role in the 2004 film Legally Blonde, but did you know that his first role was far less endearing? In 1983, Oz made a small appearance in the thriller films Psycho II as the 12-year-old Norman Bates. Can you guess who was playing the adult version of Bates? That’s right, his own father, Anthony Perkins. That’s how much the two looked like each other, even when Oz was still just a young boy. We can say that the two are certainly lovable in their own ways, though.

Oz Perkins And Anthony Perkins

Carrie Fisher’s Legacy

Unquestionably, Carrie Fisher’s most celebrated role was her portrayal of Princess Leia in the enduring Star Wars saga. Her gallant encounter with Jabba the Hutt transformed her into a sudden dream figure for a wide demographic of young males globally. She would later re-embody her famed character of Princess Leia for the newer Star Wars films under Disney. Her significant influence on the science fiction genre is recognized by many, leading to her acquiring the moniker ‘Sci-Fi Princess’ during the height of her professional journey.

Carrie Fisher Reprised Her Role As Princess Leia

The Golden Bikini Controversy

Nearly everyone alive during that period is aware that Fisher’s most famous scene was also her most contentious one. Specifically, it was her scene with Jabba The Hutt, where she wore nothing but a glistening golden bikini. Many individuals considered it extremely scandalous owing to its excessive provocative nature, particularly for that era. Fisher herself was not fond of the bikini, referring to it as “a bikini from hell”, but she did admit to taking pleasure in the act of killing Jabba the Hutt in her role as Princess Leia.

Carrie Fisher's Famous Bikini Scene

Carrie Fisher’s Response

A dad, disturbed by a toy company marketing toys of Fisher in the previously mentioned bikini, critically voiced out amidst the controversy. When Fisher was queried on her take concerning the issue, she lightly restated the actual scene from the movie. She instructed the dad to explain to his kid that she was kidnapped by an enormous slug and compelled to wear the “ridiculous” bikini, which led to her killing the slug due to her dislike of it. It’s quite likely that silenced the dad promptly.

Rest In Peace Carrie

Ziggy Marley And Bob Marley – Age 35

Among everyone on this list, it’s fair to suggest that the most notable similarity is between Ziggy Marley and his father, Bob Marley. When juxtaposed, distinguishing these two can prove to be quite a challenge. Ziggy, following in his father’s footsteps, is a musician and the frontman of both the Ziggy Marley band and the Melody Makers. Conversely, Bob Marley’s fame as a musician was unparalleled during his era. Regrettably, his life was cut short at the age of 36 due to melanoma.

Ziggy Marley And Bob Marley

Bob Marley’s Last Words

Although Bob Marley already knew that he had melanoma and his toe, he was adamant to still play as a musician. He also refused to undergo to amputation which was suggested to him by his doctors. The reason for this is that he was scared that getting his toe cut off would hinder his on-stage performance. He also mentioned some religious reasons as to why he couldn’t get his toe amputated. Sadly, the cancer eventually spread to the rest of his body including his lungs and his brain. His famous last words to his son are, “Money can’t buy life.”

Bob Marley

Ziggy Marley’s Philanthropy

Similarly to his famous father, Ziggy Marley is recognized not only for his musical talent, but also his philanthropic endeavours. His father was a staunch advocate for global peace, a value that appears to have been passed down to Ziggy. Currently, Ziggy generously donates to several charities, with a particular focus on initiatives aimed at helping children. He is a member of the non-profit organization, Little Kids Rock, which offers free music lessons and equipment to American children. Philanthropy doesn’t end there, as he also established another non-profit organization, Unlimited Resources Giving Enlightenment (URGE), which is committed to assisting children in Ethiopia and Jamaica.

Ziggy Marley And His Brothers

Georgia May Jagger And Mick Jagger – Age 25

Though they may not share the same gender, it’s undeniable that their faces share striking similarities. Clearly Georgia May Jagger inherited her signature looks from her renowned father, as seen in their common eyes, nose, and lips, when she was just 25. Her dad, Mick Jagger, who made his mark as the esteemed lead singer of the Rolling Stones, was at the pinnacle of his career during the 60s and 70s. Eager to mirror her father’s fame, Georgia May is currently carving her own path in the spotlight as a fashion model based in London. She is the only child Mick Jagger had with American actress and model, Jerry Hall.

Georgia May Jagger And Mick Jagger

Rock Genre Pioneers

Who wouldn’t be familiar with the iconic name of rock superstar Mick Jagger? His band, the Rolling Stones, have undoubtedly been trailblazers in the world of rock, leaving an indelible impact beyond measure. You can still sense their influence even today, and there’s no reason for it to fade away. Considering that the band has been in the scene for over sixty years and shows no signs of slowing down, it’s not hard to see why. And let’s not forget Mick’s robust and impressive vocal prowess that many admire!

Mick Jagger In 2014

Sean Lennon And John Lennon – Age 31

During the famed 1970s British invasion, The Beatles, particularly the popular band member John Lennon, were some of the principal players. Lennon, who was a co-lead vocalist and guitarist, was highly adored by his fanbase, similar to his other band members. Regrettably, like Bob Marley, his life was cut short due to a gunshot wound in 1980. His son, Sean Lennon, is now following in his father’s footsteps as a singer and songwriter for various British bands.

Sean Lennon And John Lennon

John Lennon’s Murder

The music industry witnessed a day of infamy on December 8, 1980, when John Lennon met with a tragic, violent death at The Dakota in New York City. The legendary artist was slain in his own home, shockingly, by someone who was believed to be his admirer. Mark David Chapman, the man Lennon had signed an autograph for earlier that day, was the individual behind the heinous act, shooting Lennon five times as he returned to the apartment he shared with Yoko Ono, his wife. As further information emerged, it became clear that Chapman had premeditated the horrific act for several months.

John Lennon 1969

The Aftermath

When asked why he did it, Chapman said that it was because he disapproved of Lennon’s lifestyle and public statements, including one where Lennon compared the band’s popularity to Jesus Christ. After shooting the singer, Chapman simply waited for the police to arrive. They found him patiently reading his copy of Catcher in the Rye at the crime scene. He was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison. Chapman has requested for parole several times in the past, but none of them has been granted. To honor Lennon’s death, many people started listening more to The Beatles songs, pushing them to the top of the charts after he died.

Here Is A Cute Kitten Because We Refuse To Glorify A Murderer

Brooklyn Beckham And David Beckham – Mid Teens

There’s no disputing that David Beckham is a household name in the world of soccer. Renowned for a stellar 20-year career that bagged him 19 notable trophies, he’s a sports legend. But, he’s equally recognized for his striking good looks outside the sports industry. His son, Brooklyn Beckham, appears to have inherited his father’s attractive features and is presently carving out a career in modeling and fashion design. Yet, could it be that David Beckham has still retained his charm at this age, outshining his son’s? We’d love to know your thoughts.

Brooklyn Beckham And David Beckham

Liv Tyler And Steven Tyler in Their 30s

If you love the rock genre, then there’s no way you wouldn’t recognize Steven Tyler, the lead vocalist of the timeless rock band Aerosmith. Steven’s daughter, Liv Tyler, is a musician as well, but most people recognize her more for her acting career. She has previously starred in The Lord of the Rings, The Incredible Hulk, and most interestingly, Armageddon, the same film that Aerosmith recorded their biggest hit, I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing, for.

Liv Tyler And Steven Tyler

Aerosmith’s Legacy

Steven Tyler worked almost his entire adult life on Aerosmith, and it’s easy to see that it was definitely worth all the time and effort. Belting out hits like I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing and Dream On, Aerosmith has definitely become a household name in the five decades they’ve stayed active in music. In fact, they’re known to many as “America’s Greatest Rock and Roll Band.” Officially, they’re also called “The Bad Boys From Boston”. We can definitely say that these bad boys have left a great legacy in the music industry.

Aerosmith Live In 2007

Milo Gibson And Mel Gibson – Age 27

Now, Mel Gibson may be a recognizable name to you if you’re in any way familiar with Hollywood, but you may not know that his son has also started making an attempt to enter the film industry. Actually, it’s been 4 years now since he made his first appearance in the 2016 film Hacksaw Ridge. His father, on the other hand, was undeniably one of the most popular action stars in the 1990s. He starred in several big films like The Patriot and Braveheart, as well as The Passion of Christ.

Milo Gibson And Mel Gibson

Braveheart Controversy

One of Gibson’s films, Braveheart, garnered a lot of controversy when it was released. The film was about William Wallace, a Scottish knight who fought for his country’s freedom from the English. It was a pretty good film, but unfortunately, it wasn’t very historically accurate. The most notable inaccuracy was the war paint on Gibson, which many people criticized the film for. Also, the fighting gear used in the movie was too old for the setting by about 200 years. This is why, despite the stellar acting and nice production, the film still encountered so many critics.

Mel Gibson As William Wallace

Robert Downey Jr. And Robert Downey Sr. – Age 34

A legendary actor for sure, Robert Downey Sr. has worked in more projects than we can list in here. His best known project however was when he wrote for Putney Swope, an underground satirical movie that took a jab at Hollywood at the time. At the age of 83 years old, Downey Sr. is still pretty prominent these days. His son, on the other hand, is also a famous name in Hollywood. Downey Jr.’s best-known for playing Tony Stark, the titular Iron Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Fun fact: he was also the highest-paid actor in the film series!

Robert Downey Jr And Robert Downey Sr
